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Joy and relief



Well a few days have passed by, they still don't know who set fire to the school but things are looking brighter anyway for all the students there. I am most impressed by the local governments quick work. There's already new plans and founds for the new building. It's actually unbelievable fast.


My lecture I was giving went well too, the first year tech students were even interested, which I'm most happy for since I was worried that I wouldn't be able to inspire them. Even thou I cannot go through Rome's history in 30 minutes I might just be able to inspire them to take further historical studies as I did.


Over all are my own studies progressing too, I'm working on two courses right now a advanced C grade (candidature, the last thing before we have to present something of scientific value) and my basic archeology methods and history. Right now I'm focusing at my C essay, the only real exam we'll have. Today they handed out the assignment for the basic course too and I was most relived to find out that it's just a four pages paper (four subjects choose two, two pages on each) that I am required to hand in the 9th! Yes! That's two weeks. I thought I was in paradise. It's so unbelievable easy. Therefor I just might have time for something else for the next weeks.


Oh yeah I mentioned something about a girl in my last blog. It's turning out real well and I'm very happy about that :). Well I guess I'm young enough for that still :)


Ps. Any pictures and/or information on water towers (where they are too) from Pompeii would be great! (Hint). I've pinpointed two out of fourteen so far. Gotta catch 'em all!


Yeah that was a pocemon (what ever spelling) reference. I am much ashamed.

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