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Some Correspondence

Gaius Octavius


Done with the permission of the contra party (Praebitorae).




"Hey, My Lady:


Actually, it's not very funny to me.


These sub-morons drive me to distraction. Yeah, lets kill all the Jews! Even the doctors who are keeping me alive! Even my neighbors! The ones I joke with, and have lunch with. And then there was my Grand Aunt, who may have been Jewish. Liberini, an orphan, who I loved as much as my Mother. Just great! We can do without all that the Jewish people have contributed to mankind. General Eisenhower and President Truman had those beastly, inhuman murder camps filmed for posterity. On that account, Gen. Eisenhower wouldn't accept Adm. Doernitz' surrender. I have a lot of whiskey in me now, so I'm not going to hold back. (Somehow, I can no longer use the word 'Jews'. It seems so deprecatory to me.)

That bastard, hitler, should have been strangled at birth. Kill people because of their religion, race, deformities or sexual proclivities? That bastard was a pervert of the worst kind. Some of my Jewish friend's parents served honorably in the German army of WWI. They were Germans and never deserved what those bastards did to them.


I am often sorry to say that I am a Christian, when I read of pogroms and ghettos. We didn't mind borrowing Jewish peoples' money though.


O! G_d, this is enough!


Try to contribute to the 'Gold' blog."






I hope it did good to throw it all out.

And of course you're right all the way, beeing a Habiruh myself I KNOW what you're talking about.(I don't use the term Jews. Even if the Habiruh are just a tinny little group)

The man's apparant stupidety and bleatnant ignorance was more the reason why I laughed about him.

From Nephele you might have heard that I happend to be a deaf mute a herritance that goes straith back to exactly those camps I have thus no love for Germans in general.

My granny was one of twins and captured in Normandy I need not tell you explecit where she was brought to....

There are good Germans ofcourse (my dad would say "Lets hang them on NEW ropes!"

If I am correct in the numbers about 12.500 Germans of Habiruh birth where decorated in W.W.1.


We must learn to forgive is a sentence often spoken at us, but the essence of being a Habiruh is to "remmember" becourse THAT'S what the word believe means in Hebrew!

It's hard to forgive if one (still!) see's the effects of what has been done in this dreadfull years by these dreadfull people.

Even I (2d generation) must fear not to give birth to a girl for she (3th) could easely inherit from me what I have!


Can I blame the young Germans of today? should I do onto them what I would not like done onto me? one would say no.

I have however understood that many young Germans still hang on and even romantisaise that piece of history often even denouncing many things to have happend.

This people we call the "forever yesterday's" there to be found in all kind off German forums and indeed in the I.R of wich I gave you a link (I thought you to be there chieff, remember?.)


You should absolutly NOT be ashamed beeing a Christian, wasn't Michael Angelo one ore Mother Theressa? not to forget my own dad no,its not the Relegion that shames (ore should) people its the thing people make of it thinking they know what God wanted or mend!

If youre heart is pure it matters nought what others do with that Religion for Adonai sees into yours and judges you for youre deeds disregarding the upinion of others.

Adonai doesn't gamble!






My Beautiful Lady:


Would you please allow me to put our two notes above into my blog? I will only use you name if you allow me. Those bastards should NEVER be forgotten! Or FORGIVEN. My Beautiful Lady, stupidity and ignorance are not to be laughed at. It should be condemned eternally.


Your friend,




Pleace do so ,I read the Blog and wrote a small piece to it.

Sometimes things do just take some time with me.

Those people won't be forgotten neither forgiven as we never fogave Pharao for holding us in Slavery or the Romans for bringing the Diasporra upon us.

In a Thousand years we'll still memmorate those killed by the Germans and the name of Hitler will never vanish from oure memmory.

The names of sibbelings of mine that died during my life time will never be forgotten nor the name of the one to blame the Nuhnt called Mengle!

Last year we had the satifaction off seeing my uncle robbing the Mengle family of a large part of Joseph Mengle's herritage (wich he had invested into there buisness in 1945/46)

Some,if late and far to less, iustice still can be found in this world but we have to fight for it and we can only fight the right way if we controlle oure feelings of hate and revenge how understandable they might be.


Eich ffrind chi (chi =more abt less formal than "ce" )

Youre Friend



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