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UNRV Ancient Roman Empire Forums
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Hello? Is this thing on?



Greetings and salutations! I've had access to this thing for a week or so and have been waiting for something really profound to occur to me to say so that I could post it.


Well, welcome to "Plan B."


By way of introduction, I'm G-Manicus. G-Manicus being my lame attempt to Romanize my "non de plume" that I use on other message boards, "G Man." And no, I don't work for the FBI either. My first name begins with "G" and I'm a fan of the New York football Giants, aka "The G Men." Fascinating stuff, ay?


In any event, a little about myself ... I live in the Cincinnati, Ohio area. Been here since 2004. I was born and raised in New Jersey however (hence the whole New York Giants angle). I went to school in Massachusetts and ended up meeting the current Mrs G Man there. And, well, you know ... the whole (makes quote thingy with his fingers) "love thing" happened and I stayed there after graduation. So, 3 kids and multiple pets later here I am.


Speaking of my kids, I have a daughter (13) and 2 sons (10 and 4). I coach baseball, lacrosse, soccer, and basketball. In addition, my 10 year old plays football and my 13 year old plays softball, so I spend most of my free time at this ball field or that ball field.


As you no doubt have witnessed, my command of Roman history is somewhat *cough* ... "lacking" compared to most folks here. It's interesting to read everyone's take on things and add to my meager knowledge of the Roman world. Thanks for having me by the way!


I like to have a few laughs and I try to take advantage of my amateur photo-shopping skills whenever I can as well. In case you hadn't noticed. Wink, wink :). I almost always try to keep things light, and it is my vow to you that I will never offer anything of substance to this website! Only fluff! On this, you have my word. :)


Speaking of which, one thing I'm toying with going forward is creating what I call "The Ides of March Madness" ... an NCAA style field of 64 bracket to determine the (greatest? toughest? strongest? popular? whatever!) Roman of all time. I'd map out a whole bracket (maybe Republic era types on the left, Empire types on the right?) and then post a couple of match ups per day in a poll format, eventually getting down to 2 finalists (Can Cato even get out of the first round???). Let me know if that sounds like something folks would be interested in.


Well, that'll do for today. Just wanted to take this thing out for a spin and kick the tires.


Hasta luego.




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Go New York Giants! (Not that I'm any kind of football fan, but I'll root for anything with "New York" in it.)


Welcome to Blogworld, G-Man! Cool start. :)


-- Nephele

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Speaking of which, one thing I'm toying with going forward is creating what I call "The Ides of March Madness" ... an NCAA style field of 64 bracket to determine the (greatest? toughest? strongest? popular? whatever!) Roman of all time. I'd map out a whole bracket (maybe Republic era types on the left, Empire types on the right?) and then post a couple of match ups per day in a poll format, eventually getting down to 2 finalists (Can Cato even get out of the first round???). Let me know if that sounds like something folks would be interested in.



Do it! Feel free to bounce ideas of me via PM as well if you need any help with 'historical match-ups'.

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Do it! Feel free to bounce ideas of me via PM as well if you need any help with 'historical match-ups'.

Will do! I'll need to compile a list of 64 famous Romans. Ideally, close to half would be from the Republic and half from the Empire. Any input would be gladly accepted.


By the way, a couple of interesting later round match ups could potentially pit Romulus vs Remus, Gaius Marius vs Sulla, Cato elder vs Cato younger, Gracchus vs Gracchus, and Livia vs Agrippina the younger. :)

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Caesar versus Brutus...this time its up close and personal!

Heligobalus versus Caligula... more nuts than a fruit cake!

Titus versus Tamara...dont lose your head!

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