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New digs!



So I'm finally able to move out on my own again, and am now 'broadcasting' from my new apartment! It's a small studio in downtown/Japantown San Jose, in an old Victorian. No, Don Tomato, it doesn't have A/C...it has a gas heater. That's it.


But this place is almost done. Most all of the boxes are unpacked; the rest will be done once my brother puts up a bookcase for me. Some stuff remains in his garage; other will be given to Goodwill/Salvation Army. But most everything I have fits in here! With room to spare!


But, wow...I've spent close to $800 just on storage, food, kitchen items...So much stuff that I needed to get, that I sold off 2 1/2 years ago when I moved back home. But, hey, it's all good...it's money well spent, and only spent once.


I'm starting to feel like an adult again...on my own! Working! Yay!


(now a date and/or social life would be nice...)


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Congratulations on the digs!


How does Bella like the new place? I've heard that cats get attached to places, and wonder whether she might be missing her old home. Do you have to take precautions so that she doesn't try to get out and go off in search of her old home?


-- Nephele

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Well, it's been over 48 hours...and she's done well. I brought her over at 7:30ish on Saturday night; by that time I had taken care of most all of the boxes. I had inadvertently created a 'hallway' under my bed (I've got quite a few boxes under there), and so it gives her a hiding place with a 'lookout' to the rest of the apartment. She spent much of Saturday night under there until I turned the lights off; at that point, she took a quick tour of the apartment (I had earlier shown her where her litter box was and her food/water bowl), and came up on the bed to sleep with me.


Yesterday she had periods where she was under the bed and on top of it...some surveying. Last night for dinner I had a tuna salad, and suddenly someone was around! She was definitely more playful, and spent much of the evening on my bed, either sleeping or rolling around like normal ("Rub my belly! Aren't I cute?" mode).


This morning, she followed me around the apartment, like normal. Today my brother's coming by to mount a small bookcase, and the landlord's coming by in the evening to finish off some work; we'll see how she does. But so far, so good! The only thing that she really doesn't like is the ceiling fan; typical, really, of cats. But she'll get used to it.

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Glad the digs are OK Doc!


I bet when you next come home from work you'll be met by a scene of feline carnage, your little cute, butter wouldn't melt pussycat will have invited all the other moggies in the neighborhood round for a house warming party, there'll be empty tins of tuna littering the apartment, open cartons of milk spilt all over the kitchen floor, cats sparked out all over the furniture and I bet there'll even be some big tom cat trying to impress the the new p**** in town by swinging round on the ceiling fan!!!


And just when your about to lose it and start kicking the cats out she'll look at you with "those eyes" as if to say "don't you want me to make any new friends??" And there you are, now your screwed, before you know it your lovely new apartment is the new hang out for all local waifs and strays!


So don't say I didn't warn you! :)

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Hmmm...dunno about balloons...haven't tried it with her. Why, do they 'cure' the fear of ceiling fans?

I don't know if they cure fear of ceiling fans, but they inspire hilarious terror in my own cat. Frantic scrambling on hard surface floors, full speed running while simultaneously keeping the belly touching the ground, squeezing far into the most remote crevasse that it can possibly find. The only thing that frightens it more is a plastic grocery bag that is being waved around.

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Ooooooo Moon...you're evil lol


GPM...well, today was a bit different. Because my brother was over earlier, and she got quite a bit of attention from what I hear, Bella was on the bed (which is near the door), waiting for me. She mewed at me through the door (there's a glass window...which I really must get covered), and was very good about staying on the bed while I came in. I'm trying to train her that she can't go near the screen; the front screen door doesn't close tight, and if she wanted to, she could go out...and that would be highly unhappy. But, still...I got more love that I have in a while!


She's very happy so far...just a couple of jitters when I got under the bed and pulled out the last boxes of books (which are now all displayed!!!). Yikes, I really can't buy anymore books without selling some first...I'm pretty much out of book space!

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