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DUDE It's Been Awhile...



Watching my blog slide down the list I realized it HAS been a while since I posted anything, so here goes!


The harp has been sent back for a return. It arrived in Florida yesterday, so a new one should have been shipped today. I'm guessing it will be here Wednesday or Thursday. Hopefully this one will arrive safely and undamaged. :)


Work continues to go great, my boss has gotten into the habit of sending me on road trips in company vehicles (one of which is nicknamed the "old gelapi" and driving it was quite interesting) which does get me "out and about" a bit. Overall I enjoy it, though I have some stressful days, I don't have many (I occasionally feel like the guy who is training me the most gets fed up with me...he doesn't really show it but I do get that feeling).


These past two weeks have seemed to just FLY by, even though they have worn me out. I've been working through some icky past life memories and a few other things, trying in spite of everything else I'm doing to keep up with my Pathwork and still attempting to find time for my artwork and writing. I also finally gave in and downloaded Pixia again, so I can once again do digital art. :)


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You know the harp is an Egyptian invention? Haha, just had to add that in there.


I haven't posted in a while also, I'm busy with school, work, and a bunch of other stuff now I have to take SAT's soon. So stressed.


Do you have any pics of your harp? Love to see 'em.

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