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I Hate Protesters

FLavius Valerius Constantinus


Apparently, my school kicked out a kid who did something retarded-->Link to Article


So now I got the friggin leftest Nation of Islam and the Millions More Movement protesting at my school tommorrow. I actually love my high school and think it has not done anything wrong. The only problem here is that the hypocritical jackasses out there are bringing up the race issue because the student who was expelled is black. My school is primarily white, but we have a good number of minorities and they love being at my school. I don't see them bickering and protesting or hating the school. Not to mention, we've had the zero tolerance policy when it comes to serious misconduct issues. So no one at my school is surprised. We like the kid, but what he did was absolutely stupid. If he was drunk, I'll give him that. I, however don't know enough details, but I sure know that he committed that action and anyone would easily know what he did was wrong.


Enough of my rant. They are scheduled to protest at noon and if I can't get out of school at the right time or be allowed to go to school tomorrow, I'm gonna be pissed. (That's right, I actually like school).


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Loyola Academy in Illinois may have its rules regarding student conduct, and school officials may or may not have handled the situation equitably for all concerned...


But unfortunately your school may be experiencing a backlash from the situation currently revolving around a high school in Jena, Louisiana in which school officials bungled their own response to racially charged incidents.


It's too bad you're caught in the middle of all this, FVC. Personally, I'm on the side of the girl who didn't consent to Pierre showing around to his buddies that topless pic of her. Pierre's probably lost a girlfriend now, as well (and deservedly so) for being such an ass.


-- Nephele

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