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Just an Update



My new job is going great, I feel like my old self again, and I haven't felt this good since...well...it's been probably a year now!! I'm starting to write poetry again, too; I haven't written in quite a while. Picked up a book of Tennyson poems at a used book store, and that has definitely renewed my interest in poetry.


As for the harp, well, it appears as though the crack is getting bigger. :D it also looks like the top part of the frame is listing off to the side. There seems very little chance at this point that the damage is merely cosmetic, despite what my mom says (she has never played a harp before, and there are plenty of people who have happy to contradict her). I think unless I find out from the maker otherwise, I'm going to have to send her back for an exchange. :angry: so it will be a little while (a couple weeks) before I have a playable harp again.


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If you bought this on Ebay, then don't wait too long to contact the seller and send the thing back. I don't want to see you get ripped-off. :angry:


-- Nephele

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I won't be. A shipping label is on the way to me right now to exchange it actually. The woman I bought it from has been wonderful in helping me out with it, contacted the company repeatedly actually to get me information.

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