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Survivor By Chuck Palahniuk



I recently finished reading this book, and I have to say that at first I was almost disappointed with the ending and that something really bothered me about it. In fact, I kept thinking about it for a couple of days and realized that when the method of narration and the nature of the main character is taken into consideration, the story becomes something that is opposite of what the words in the book describe. This is the first time I've noticed that the physical method of delivery of a book can unlock a whole new dimension to the story, and now I wonder if I've failed to see the deeper meanings or implcations of other books...


Aside from this astonishment, I found the characters and the subject matter very interesting. Almost reminiscent of Bret Easton Ellis, but with something much less bleak.


Check it out at Amazon.com

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It seemed to me that I read one of the books of Chuck Palahniuk this summer. It was "Diary". And I had impression that something is wrong here. I read it with interesting but had a feeling of unpleasant touch sensation (if may say so) after reading.

BTW Chuck Palahniuk is very popular author in Russia.

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