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Lazy days



What a feeling...I would have slept in, save for the 10 pound roaring lioness sitting on my chest at 7:05am, wanting to know why I hadn't gotten up 5 minutes earlier like usual (I swear, I need to train Bella on the concept of sleeping in...). But I really had nothing to do today. I finished all of the planning for my Tues/Thurs course, and the other set of courses is all planned--now I just need the contract and other paperwork to get into the system, which would allow me to upload everything and finish some loose ends. Nothing left to do with research; well, that's not entirely true, but I have decided to take a quick break, typical for the very beginning of a semester, and I'll pick it up again in a couple of weeks.


More importantly, I was exhausted. I needed a do-nothing day. A lazy day. And by Jove, I got one!


Started off with a hearty breakfast (God, I love oatmeal), and off to the gym. Since it's only a mile away, I tend to walk there unless I have errands to do later. Did a good workout, and then came home to shower. My brother had brought his car in to the shop earlier, and so 11:30ish I dropped him off to the shop to pick it up. On the way home, I farted around in the local small market--stocked up on fruit (the strawberries right now are pure sugar!) and got a deli sammie (or sarnie, or whatever you're gonna call it) for lunch. Came home, ate, and promptly passed out on the living room floor with Bella, both of us with stomachs full of mesquite-roasted turkey (ok, she only had a nibble...I had the rest).


After a couple of cat naps, I logged onto the computer for a short time, and then started watching my favorite afternoon shows. Oh, and steamed up some artichokes for later. My brother decided he was cooking dinner tonight, so I didn't even have to cook. After a plateful of gnocchi in ragu and a salad, I'm here again, content and full. Relaxed. The only thing keeping me away from alcohol today (and this evening) is the next couple of days...I'll need every ounce of energy tomorrow, and Friday's gonna be busy, too.


Man...this must be what it's like to be rich and have nothing to do!!!


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Speaking of lazy days, well it'll be more like lazy weeks for me. At 6am tomorrow morning I leave this rubbish British summer for two weeks in the glorious mediterranean sunshine.... (all inclusive as well.....mmmmmmmm free beer!!) Ahhhh bliss!


On second thoughts, I've got two small children who find it almost impossible to sit still for more than a minute, so I'll probably come back more knackered than when I went!


See you in two weeks!

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Oh, and steamed up some artichokes for later.


Mmm... My absolute favorite vegetable. Especially the hearts. Somehow, the artichoke hearts that you buy in the can or jar never taste as good as the fresh cooked ones that you carve out for yourself.


Do you stuff your 'chokes with parsley? For myself, I prefer them plain.


GPM, I'm too late to wish you bon voyage, but I'll be thinking of you (enviously!) as you enjoy your Mediterranean sunshine!


-- Nephele

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Nope, I steam them (20-25 minutes, depending on whether I could stay small or had to get medium thistles) with salt and pepper...and I admit to using some mayonnaise for a condiment. But I love to make my own mayonnaise to dip into, as I can play with the flavors and pair them well. I love making mayo with olive oil for 'chokes...really good stuff!


If the baby artichokes are reasonable, I'll buy those and grill them. Outstanding!

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