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So What's New



I finally got my butt in gear and wrote that article about Morrigan for the site. It's in for editing/feedback now and it should be published sometime soon I hope. I did that a few days ago. I also made my mom a snake out of Sculpey clay. It's beautiful, and I can't believe I did so well. Neither can she; I had a hard time convincing her I actually made it.


Still looking for a job, but I'm enjoying the time off. I went back to the two places where I put in applications; one doesn't have any positions open right now, but that's OK by me because I kind of knew that when I put in the app. I was just hoping... At the other place I was assured that my application had been received, but it was in a big pile on the manager's desk and she hadn't gotten to look at it but would soon. So I reminded her, in person, which is always good. :D


The other day I received some great news!! My friend Mari's son Thomas got his kidney transplant! Poor Mari has been through hell trying to get the transplant for her son, first attempting to be a living donor (but the doctors said she had to lose weight; which she did. Then they said the wouldn't do it because she doesn't have the right insurance, and due to certain family concerns she "wasn't allowed" to take her son to another hospital that would do it.) Then, out of the blue, she got the call that her son got a kidney!! Thank the Gods I'm calling it a miracle! He's doing extremely well; the surgeon said that his kidney "just slid into place and fit like it was meant to be there". It was producing urine before the incision was even closed!


Part of my pathwork involves studying a form of divination, so I've been amusing myself by doing Rune readings for people on a pagan forum I frequent; it's a "closed" forum meaning only members can see it so I made a post offering to do the readings for people. I'm not about to try it on one of the larger forums because when you do that, you end up with literally hundreds of requests and that's way too much to handle. I'm almost out of "guinea pigs" from there, so if anyone here is interested let me know!! I'll be glad to do it, but it might be a few days before I get to it.


Yesterday I was looking for a Celtic ring with a green stone, and I stumbled upon Lytha Studios. I fell in love with a pentagram pendant and my mom fell in love with a Tree of Life pendant. Well, we both fell in love with a lot of things but those are the two I ordered yesterday. This place could really get me in trouble; I'm already amassing a HUGE mental wish list! :angry:


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The way I've been doing it is a simple Past/Present/Future spread. People have been having me do them just as a general reading about their life, but you can do it for a certain situation (for example I did one a while back about my situation with finding a job). I did a tarot reading for someone's relationship as well.

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