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The youngest legionary ever!

Gaius Paulinus Maximus


I recently took my family to the annual children's Roman festival at the Birdoswald Fort on Hadrians Wall, it's a great day out for the kids, they get the chance to join the Roman army, dress up as legionnaires, they go through training, marching, singing Roman songs and then end up in a battle against some invading barbarians (aka the dads). They get to race chariots at the the Circus Minimus, the game involves rolling a dice to move around the track, the winners are rewarded with a genuine (chocolate) gold coin. There's roman board games to play and they can also have a go at weaving and making pottery. There's also plenty to do for the grown ups as well, there's people giving talks about all he different aspects of Roman life, there's a medics tent with all the ancient surgical field equipment, there's a legionary talking about life on Hadrian's wall and plus to cap it all off you have the Fort and the Wall to wander around at you leisure.


Here's a picture of my little legionary...




Take a look at my gallery for more pics.


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