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A New Day (now that I'm coherent again)



Today, August 14, 2007 I became an Initiate on the Pathway of the Gods.


This wasn't supposed to happen until Samhain, or maybe one of the Dark or Full moons surrounding it. My mother Morrigan, however, had other plans. (And you *don't* argue with Her! :angry:) When I told her I was ready, I was expecting to decide then what date would be right. Instead the reply I got was "well what are you waiting for??"


The ritual took place near the same spot in the forest where I did my Coming of Age Rite several weeks ago. In my street clothes, doing surprisingly well to remember the Oaths and Rite, because, I did not bother to memorize it yet nor did I have it with me to read. The words came easily to me; my fear of speaking Ritual aloud has vanished.


It wasn't quite what I expected, but I should know better than to have expectations where gods are concerned! I feel an odd sense of kinship with everything living around me; my mother Morrigan is no longer next to me; I am a part of Her, and She a part of me. I wouldn't want it any other way.


It took me several hours to regain my bearings again. Time did not exist for me anymore; it was as if it simply vanished. I could not think in a linear fashion. (I hear this is normal for initiations...the feeling went away in a few hours but in the mean time I'm glad I didn't have to be anywhere!!)


Tonight I am celebrating, in my own quiet way. A glass of the sparkling grape juice usually reserved for ritual, and watching the sun set from my stone circle. Did I mention I built a circle? Oy vey, I'm behind on this thing!


I built it last week sometime. I hauled the stones from the creek (which is pretty well dried up, so the stones were easy to access). Through daily use it's becoming quite well sacred. I feel most connected to the Celtic deities there; and more connected to the Roman deities at my altar inside. I built it for Morrigan. It's Her place.


On Saturday I did my Dark Moon ritual. It was the first time I've ever done a moon ritual and it was very moving!! I can't wait for the next Dark Moon so that I can do it again!!


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