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A banner day



Well, folks, the word of this week has been: culmination. I uploaded my finalized dissertation to UMI, which is the publisher that UT (and many, many other universities) uses, and it's currently under review. I mailed my final papers to the Grad School, and they were received today. All that's left is for them to finalize everything, bill me for my processing fee...and that's it.


I woke up this morning, and i felt...calm. In my mind, when I pay that final fee, then I'll be really done, but essentially I'm done. Finished. Graduated.


This fall is the first time since the age of 5 that I won't be a student at a school. For those that are counting, that's 27 years.


In essence, this dissertation is the culmination of 8 years of PhD work at UT. In turn, the questions that I attempted to answer (and which, in reality, have only lead to a whole host of other questions) started in my 6 years of BA and MA work at UC Davis. So, really, the dissertation represents a culmination of 14 years of collegiate/post-secondary work.


I feel...lighter...calmer...but not really any different. Am I supposed to?


By the way...I'm not the only one who finished their PhD


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Hails to you on finishing up that PhD! :P


Hey, do you have the same reoccurring nightmare that I've noticed a lot of college students have? It's this: Your final semester at college has just finished, and you suddenly realize that there was one course you had registered for that you forgot to attend! And, because of that, you now won't be able to graduate. You're kicking yourself for forgetting all about this course -- you just can't believe that an entire course could have slipped your mind like that and that you neglected to attend the classes!


I've had this nightmare, and was surprised to discover, upon discussing it with a number of friends, that I wasn't the only one to have it. So I'm curious as to how prevalent this nightmare might be. You now, like the nightmare of going to work and suddenly realizing that you're naked. (Not one that I've ever had, actually, but they say a lot of folks have that one, too.)


-- Nephele

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I actually haven't had the nightmare about a course...but a 'feeling' that there was one piece of paper that I didn't sign. I guess that's what keeping me from having a blow-out celebration...but when I hear the 'all clear' signal, I'll be going along similar to what we've seen in the Imaginary Party!

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I actually haven't had the nightmare about a course...but a 'feeling' that there was one piece of paper that I didn't sign. I guess that's what keeping me from having a blow-out celebration...but when I hear the 'all clear' signal, I'll be going along similar to what we've seen in the Imaginary Party!


Well if anyone deserve's a major blow-out then it's you Doc!


27yrs of school!!!......... WOW!!


That's pretty amazing dedication.


P.S. If your blow out's anything like the party we've had here at UNRV then I want pictures!!!!!!!!

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P.S. If your blow out's anything like the party we've had here at UNRV then I want pictures!!!!!!!!


No documentation, outside of words by yours truly. Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to utter the phrase "I can neither confirm nor deny the statement, Senator" :P :P

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Doc, you really like school, it's a good thing your working in one. I admire your dedication and I confess that it is far beyond my capabilities. Congratulations.

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Doc, you really like school, it's a good thing your working in one. I admire your dedication and I confess that it is far beyond my capabilities. Congratulations.


I wouldn't say that I *like* school...just that I have many, many questions, and wanted an avenue to learn how to answer them. Now that I have that, I can do what I want! (Or so I hope!)


Thanks, Kosmo!

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