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Well I talked to the guy who would have been my boss today. He said that he really was only looking for a subcontractor (and that I really hadn't made an issue by calling too much; I and my friend had both blown it out of proportion). I'm unable to be a subcontractor until I have a shop to work in, but I said I'd give him a call as soon as I had a place to work. He asked for my number as well which shows me he definitely is interested. He also filled me in on the name of the guy in Beaver Lake. I had been looking for him.


So I went to yellowpages.com and searched for the guy in Beaver Lake...I found two that seemed likely and the first one I called was it. I left a message, I hope he calls me back. Wouldn't it be awesome if he could use another set of hands in the shop?! :D


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