welcome to my freshly created blog!!
Finally I can create my own blog on UNRV This is soooo heartening!!
So, I am given a chance to practise my English writing (that I usually post entries on my blog in Chinese, or Chinglish). And no more silly stuffs from my daily life. Start focusing on history. Yes, history. Whenever I find some interesting articles about Roman history I am going to post them up here.
But nobody will visit my blog anyway.
My goal is to get improve on my English, to gain knowledge of Rome, and to get good grades in HKCEE (the public examination I will be taking next year). Wish me luck. I have to work on - opps, not history - biology and chemistry.
Dor tse (meaning thank you) to those who will be leaving comments and if no one does, then...just let it be.
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