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I think after the last "documentary" that Moore did, and his behavior afterwards ("See! I'm right! I'm the king of the world" type of attitude), I think more will be throwing him under the proverbial bus.


While I didn't see his first documentary about the workers in Michigan who were losing the GM plant, I read quite a bit about it, and I can understand why people lauded him for making such a movie. But I think he thought too much of himself after that, and started to believe the hype. More and more he's becoming a joke...a rich joke, but a joke nonetheless.

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'Bowling for Columbine' disappointed me greatly. He barely skimmed the very tip of the circumstances that create school shootings, completely ignoring the institution of school itself and the progressive policies that had been implemented at Columbine, and chose in the end to focus mostly on guns. What really got me was when he made out Canada to be some kind of utopia, while the U.S. is some sort of huge war zone, completely ignoring the school shootings that have occurred there.

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What really got me was when he made out Canada to be some kind of utopia, while the U.S. is some sort of huge war zone, completely ignoring the school shootings that have occurred there.


This is an argument I hear often from uber-liberals who believe that Canada and Europe are the ideal model, as we are just throwing our lives and society down the tubes. No disrespect to Canada or Europe, but they are not utopia...nor are we. Personally, a socialist-style medical and welfare state is a wonderful idea...just that it's not very feasable with a country as populous as ours. At least, that's my humble opinion. Regardless, there is no perfect society that has it all right, regardless of what Mr. Moore and others want people to believe. They are not offering the truth, just another side of bias, the same as everyone else.

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