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Phoenix Romana

Antiochus of Seleucia


It's late on a muggy summer night. Thought I'd drop in for a while. You know, catch up a bit.


Some things recent to me:


My summer greenhouse job ended; I applied at a retailer where I get paid copius amounts extra for knowing spanish. I also applied to the place I got my senior photos taken... a professional photography studio where the artist uses the same photomanipulating software I use-- Photoshop CS2-- and my skills will be put to good use!


I re-did my room. Threw out all the garbage and re-arranged everything. Before- Slob American. After- Trendy Spartan Minimalist American. Painting walls coming soon.


Just made an account at BookMooch about 5 minutes ago.


The 29th of July, Antiochus goes to Minneapolis to see the Warped Tour Concert with his lady-friends.

The 2 - 5 of August Antiochus goes to Chicago the Lollapalooza with all of his friends. I <3 Muse.

Sometime in the fall, Antiochus will probably go to NEW YORK. This may incur the attention of select individuals!

Living is goddam expensive.


I got a cellphone. Yay. I don't talk while driving, mind you.


The Economist is a wonderful magazine. They send them faster than I can read 'em.


I can't think of much more off the top of my head. Enjoy.


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The Economist is a wonderful magazine. They send them faster than I can read 'em.

So are you reading these as a skeptic or as an eager student?

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The Economist is a wonderful magazine. They send them faster than I can read 'em.

So are you reading these as a skeptic or as an eager student?


I'd have say eager student. Despite having a tv and full cable in my room I rarely watch it. That means I miss the news a lot. I got the economist so I can keep up on world news and learn about all the little stuff going on in countries you never hear about on the news. I do realize some of the articles are tilted to the writer's views, but the news sections keep me informed.

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