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I'm Here



I have made it safely to MN. The journey was interesting, but not that great. I did get to see Pittsburg (beautiful!! I'd LOVE to go back!) and Chicago (nice, but not great). I was so exhausted from dragging my luggage everywhere (too cheap to rent a locker...dragged it all around downtown Chicago). I was 2 days on the rails, luggage in tow the whole time and gods my arms hurt!! I arrived in Detroit Lakes at 3 AM...and the sun was coming up by the time I made it to bed.


I'm having fun, although I'm really homesick at times. Al is already teaching me stuff, I made a nice scroll today (but it got wrecked unfortunately...oh well I'll make hundreds more) and a really nice twist. :lol: I'm thrilled, because I have never done these things so well. Kathy is teaching me about herbs and such. The really awesome thing is that they have a lot of pagan friends; they were even considerate enough to ask if I had a "day of rest" in my religion (I don't, but it's so cool that they asked!)


The dog Shotzy got attacked by a wild cat of some sort. She's OK thankfully <_< but the poor dog can barely walk (getting better though).


I have very little time online, so I'll see you all occasionally...


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Yes, it was Pittsburg LOL. Chicago is nice, has some beautiful architecture, but I didn't really like it all that much.


I am having fun, and getting more and more used to being here. :lol:

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