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Lunch, even in 15 or so minutes



I've come to a realization in life.


Well, more than one, but this is just the latest.


I can multitask very well--indeed, I have all my life. Working in a kitchen, I can have 3 pots going at once and know what's going on. I can even carry on a coversation while doing it. I sing along to whatever music I have filling my domicile while I work in the kitchen or in the garden. In fact, even if there is no electronic device playing music, the music in my head is playing, and I'm singing along while I'm working.


One thing I don't do well: eat and work at the same time. Oh, I can do it...and then usually end up making a mess.


It never fails...this morning, I was checking email whilst munching on my Honey-Nut Cheerios and strawberries (which, btw, our local stawberries are outstanding this year!) and slurping the milk in the bowl...and proceed to knock over the spoon resting in the bowl...thus tossing little oat Os and milk on the table. No, nothing was ruined, or even mildly damaged, but once again I've proven to myself that eating and working don't mix.


So I've decided to never do it again. I need to just sit back, enjoy whatever meal I have (even if it's just a bit of a sammie or a bowl of ice cream) and not worry about work. Or, I can think, perhaps jot down a memo...but no typing, no major reading/writing/editing.


Besides, they say that eating and working is bad for digestion, that we eat too fast and too much if we're distracted. Enjoying our meal is supposed to be just that--joyful--which means talking is good, laughing is better, but working is not good.


Procrastinator moi, that appeals to me quite nicely!


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I tend to play with my food. Childish, I know, but nevertheless amusing.


My cereal of choice is shredded wheat. Because, you know, the pieces look like tiny bales of hay. And so I can be Horsezilla -- a giant, mutant, equine terror out of a cheesy Japanese monster flick -- chomping down the bales of hay that the puny humans have offered me in hopes that I don't decide to CRUSH Tokyo under my thunderous hooves.


-- Nephele

(Tossing my mane in contempt of the puny humans. Snort.)

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Gaius to the rescue!

Stick a feeding tube up your nose; strap some feeding fluid to your head; bang on a drum while whistling Dixie; read your horrorscope from a music stand attached to your ears, and walk into the world. Now you're multi-tasking! Where you use up good air, in kali4kneeya, no one will think you odd in any way. :rip:



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