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UNRV Ancient Roman Empire Forums
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The item about the German surnames being affected by this change is of particular interest to me. Do you have any links to news stories about those Germans who refused to pay their taxes because of the dispute regarding the spelling of their surnames?


-- Nephele

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The item about the German surnames being affected by this change is of particular interest to me. Do you have any links to news stories about those Germans who refused to pay their taxes because of the dispute regarding the spelling of their surnames?


-- Nephele


I cant find anything on the web regarding those courtcases, however i did found more info one could wish for about the proposal for the capital

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Thanks for that link, Viggen! Heheh, looking at the pic of that German edition of Stephen Hawking's book, on first glance it looks almost like: "DAS UNIVERSE IN DER NUMBSCHULL".


I'm now wondering how many U.S. Immigration Officers, back in the day when the immigrants would come in through Ellis Island, might have been responsible for renaming German families on account of having mistaken the "

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