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Quo usque tandem?



Si vales bene est ego valeo...


I had it all, fire in the house, crappy work-situation (and i mean crap when i say crap), one surgery followed by another surgery and voila followed by another one. To sum 2007 so far up ---> Hell


I have now hopefully all surgeries done for this year (vene surgery for anyone who cares) and allowed to sit 15 minutes and then have to rest for an hour and so on...


in anycase good to be finally back... :lol:





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Welcome back, Viggen! Sorry you've had such a crummy start to the year. Surgery, yet. Yikes.


Well, here's something goofy to cheer you -- inspired by the "Quo usque tandem?" in your topic heading...



by Thomas Ybarra


Oh, the Roman was a rogue,

He erat was, you bettum;

He ran his automobilis

And smoked his cigarettum;

He wore a diamond studibus

And elegant cravattum,

A maxima cum laude shirt,

And a stylish hattum!


He loved the luscious hic-haec-hoc,

And bet on games and equi;

At times he won, at others, though,

He got it in the necqui;

He winked (quo usque tandem?)

At puellas on the Forum,

And sometimes even made

Those goo-goo oculorum!


He frequently was seen

At combats gladiatorial,

And ate enough to feed

Ten boarders at Memorial;

He often went on sprees

And said, on starting homus,

"Hic labor --- opus est,

Oh, where's my hic--hic--domus?"


Although he lived in Rome --

Of all the arts the middle --

He was (excuse the phrase)

A horrid individ'l;

Ah! what a diff'rent thing

Was the homo (dative, hominy)

Of far-away B.C.

From us of Anno Domini.


(Okay, so it's not exactly a Hallmark get-well-card, but it sure beats Hallmark's treacly platitudes.)


-- Nephele

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