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Yesterday, I was absent-mindedly strolling on campus, when a fairly non-threatening History student handed me a leaflet with this website scrawled on it. Why the hell would any learned individual, any rational person, support such a foul party? Universities are supposed to be havens for liberal thought! Instead at Exeter we bear witness to radical political groups such as the BNP above and the public-school-boy-lead Conservative Future Society


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Sorry WW but I don't agree.


Which of these issue's would you call radical?

Which of these issue's don't you agree with .....and why?



EUROPE - back to British independence!

LAW AND ORDER - crack down on crime

ECONOMY - British workers first!

EDUCATION - discipline, standards, achievement

AGRICULTURE - quality before quantity!

HEALTH - first-class healthcare for all!

TRANSPORT - time to invest!

ENVIRONMENT - a cleaner greener future

FOREIGN AID - time to spend our money on our own people!

PENSIONERS - pensioners before asylum seekers!

NORTHERN IRELAND - an end to sectarianism!

DEFENCE - no more cuts!

FOREIGN AFFAIRS - Britain's interests first!

DEMOCRACY - letting the people decide!

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Perhaps Europe may be getting more conservative GPM. As Sarcozy won office in France many are expecting him to crack down on immigration and move to a more conservative state.


I think the EU stands for European Unconscious.

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Personally, I don't see anything 'radical' about any of those... in fact, I wouldn't be surprised if sometime soon something of that nature would take off in the U.S.


I'd prolly support it too.

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Which of these issue's would you call radical?

Which of these issue's don't you agree with .....and why?



EUROPE - back to British independence!

LAW AND ORDER - crack down on crime

ECONOMY - British workers first!

EDUCATION - discipline, standards, achievement

AGRICULTURE - quality before quantity!

HEALTH - first-class healthcare for all!

TRANSPORT - time to invest!

ENVIRONMENT - a cleaner greener future

FOREIGN AID - time to spend our money on our own people!

PENSIONERS - pensioners before asylum seekers!

NORTHERN IRELAND - an end to sectarianism!

DEFENCE - no more cuts!

FOREIGN AFFAIRS - Britain's interests first!

DEMOCRACY - letting the people decide!


You must keep in mind that these are only titles - if you read the fine print, you will the party for what they are: idiots.


IMMIGRATION - '...system of voluntary resettlement whereby those immigrants who are legally here will be afforded the opportunity to return to their lands of ethnic origin assisted by a generous financial incentives both for individuals and for the countries in question.' - hmm...let's put the above statement in terms that BNP supporters can understand: 'Get these bloody bongo-bongo, [insert other derogative terms for ethnics here] savages out of our country; the come here and steal our jobs, our women and our water...and they don't even wash their hands.' I have to say that the BNP rally that I passed in Oxford, was attended by skin-headed bigots, deluded by the belief that they are somehow the master-race!?


EUROPE - '...work to restore Britain's family and trading ties with Australia, Canada and New Zealand...' - so they want to disassociate themselves with Europe, but want to set up an institution like the E.U., but with British speaking nations...well we don

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...I have to go as I have tend to my 'trendy' education. I will address the other points later – particularly the ones dealing with 'political correctness'…wait a minute, that is all of them. I wonder why they are so fixated on ethnic minorities?


I can go through England thinking the first language there is Pakistani.


I am sorry to say that Pakistani is not a real language; Pakistan houses at least 10 major languages, the second most spoken being English!


Edit: spelling.

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I am not racist in the slightest but I have to say that the influx of foreigners and asylum seekers into this country has to stop! I've not worked and payed my taxes all my life just so some family can come from god knows where into this country and live rent free in a house thats bigger than the one I've bought and am still paying for through hard work and determination, while these people will just sit there receiving free hand outs from the government.


Did you see the story in the paper a few weeks ago about an asylum seeker who whilst driving a car with out a license,road tax, MOT or insurance knocked down and killed a little girl? Do you know what happened to him? He got a few months in jail and on his release was given a five bedroomed house paid for by the government or in other words the British Public!


I'm not saying every asylum seeker is like this, it's just an example of what is happening in this country.


I don't agree with everything the BNP preach but I certainly know where they coming from.

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Political types have been making a better world (for themselves) since fire was invented. So, the BNP will do away with some folk. Been done before. They can practice on some of my in-laws.


GPM, if I leave tire treads on two of those guys, might I get a 10 room house with all the attendant goodies?

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