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I got the sleepies...



I want to take a nap...I've been so revved up, I couldn't sleep hardly at all last night, and now I'm finally starting to crash...but I leave Austin today! I gotta find a hole somewhere to sleep for a couple of hours.


Usually when I travel, the 'time difference' (2 hours between California and Texas) affects me for a day, and that's it. But my body won't let me work on 'Texas time' at all...my stomach is still ruled by Pacific Daylight Time, and getting to sleep last night was damn near impossible. After watching the Golden State-Dallas game (which was a helluva game), it was like 12:30a local time. I stayed up to 1a, thinking that I had planned on waking up at 9...7 hours is fine.


Yeah, right. I wasn't even remotely tired. Neither corporally nor mentally. Wide awake, full of energy. But with the weather as crap-tastic as it is (probably the only major negative to Austin...outside of the fact that it's in Texas), I didn't want to go down the street to a couple of pubs. Besides, they were only going to be open for another hour...why get all dolled up for nothing?


So I tried to lay in bed...to no avail. 1:45 I got out of bed, turned a light on, and went on the computer. Talked to an old friend for a while, and then at 2:30 I tried again. I still couldn't go to sleep, but at least this time I was 'calm' enough to be able to lay still.


Any odds on what time I woke up?


If you guessed "7am," you'd be right.


I tossed until 7:45...but still was way way earlier than I wanted. And I had good energy, too...not like I was dragging ass. So I took my time in getting showered and ready for the day...pakced my stuff up...etc. Check out is before 11am, so I decided to go down at 10, check out, leave my bags at the desk, and go down a couple of blocks to an old haunt for breakfast...after all, Katz's never kloses! Then walked a couple of blocks to take the bus to campus in order to print off some material.


Now I'm sitting here...it's 12:20p CDT...I've done everything I needed to do...I need to be back at the hotel by 4 in order to catch my ride to the airport...and I'm bushed. Jeez...will the ups and downs end?


(Answer: yes, after a little bit)


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