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Things That Make Me Happy...and Not



:lol: Things that make me happy:



I have this weekend off (as of now) and so does my mom


Our 6-inch subs are on sale


I've started working together with Heartshadow on the religion she's creating (because there are many similarities between my path and hers)




Black Chai Tea



<_< Things that Don't make me happy:



My back is still stiff from shoveling 18+ inches of wet snow


I pulled my back/shoulder somehow last night and was having muscle spasms so bad that I couldn't breath (though it's feeling better now)


I smashed my finger in the trash can door and "scraped off" a good deal of the skin below my cuticle


Two of my coworkers are suddenly very ill with a stomach flu (I REALLY don't want that. Really. I think I'd rather have Syphillis. You know, something treatable with antibiotics.)


I'm on my period and of course, crampy, grumpy and ill feeling


I'm a walking disaster, I need to go to bed before I hurt myself more


This board has a limit on emoticons, so I cannot use them as bullets :lol:


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Lol @ Ursus.


About the only things that make me mad are lots of homework, and stupid incompetent highschool children. And my school is full of them.


Edit: May I mention that I have to see them everyday, too?

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Haha yesterday I actually had to call my mom from work and have her bring me "supplies"! :P


It's not a big deal, until the cramps hit. Then all I really want to do is grab a knife and surgically remove my ovaries.

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It's not a big deal, until the cramps hit. Then all I really want to do is grab a knife and surgically remove my ovaries.


That's a great way to get your dog's attention, you know. He'd be sitting alertly in front of you, wagging his tail and hoping you toss him an ovary. Only, it's cooler if you instead balance your ovary on your dog's nose and say: "Not yet... Noooot yet... Okay, NOW!"


And then, you can always get inspiration from this, for a fun Bait 'n' Switch Ovary Game with your dog.


-- Nephele

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Oh lord....


Happy: Moon pies, day off tomorrow, going to Wal*Mart


Not happy: everything that happened at work tonight, my friend tried to stretch my ring (I asked him to do it, was too tight) and it broke, so now I have to get it fixed.

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