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And thus it comes to pass....

Gaius Octavius




Little Liar Libby takes the fall for prez chinney and the jolly roger. 30 years? Nah, bet a groat or a stoat that The Shame of America pardons the twerp like his alleged old man did for his fellow co-conspirators in the Iran-Contra imbroglio.


How come the bailiffs haven't hauled liver lips noback before the magistrates? Ain't he the one who spilled the beans in the liberal press?


What was that, that the Sham Prez told the polloi about his administration going to be the most ethical ever? WMD's. Democracy for Eyewreck. What's next? You can always tell when his shamship is lieing - he opens his trap. Walks like john wayne. Looks like he is going to draw his six-shooters and drill some beggar. Ever notice that when he is digging the dung hole he is in deeper, that that phony drawl gets thicker?


The smarmy, yellow belly prez chinney (dead-eye dick) has sent his puppet off to South America. There goes a whole continent! Wanna bet a farthing or a feather that we will have to send the 82nd Airborne in to extract him? Shades of tricky dick!


"Go home gringo! You barfing more toro caca - again."


So, now gnewt dingrich owns up to an extra-marital affair whilst he was torturing the last elected president. He was rowing in the same boat as rolley poley, the loozana lecher and the babe from idaho. Not to worry, the always wrong rev dobbin, S.H.I.T. (Society of Holey Immaculate Telereverendos), has forgiven him since he didn't lie about it. I wonder if dobo gave him 10,000 Hail Marys on his knees? It doesn't depend on what the meaning of 'is', is; it depends on whether you want to run for prez or not, and if you are a neo-con-job artist, i.e., dissimulator.


Just to be fair, here in Noo Yawk, some brigand was elected state controller. But, it seems that he had been dipping his sticky, greedy paws in the aerarium. Unfortunately, he had to cop a plea to stay out of the slammer and also give up the job. Another one who lost his moral compass. Probably redeem himself by becoming a S.H.I.T. - just like colson. Should also give dishonorable mention to the ward healer selling judgeships.


And so it comes to pass that there are four committees of out of work and needy politicians investigating the V.A. pig stys and their fellow bureaucrats. Wanna bet a shilling or a slug that the politicos will pocket more gold than it would take to fix things up? Support Our Troops! Yeah, but not the wounded ones. Wear a yellow ribbon.


Today's Journal brought to you through the good offices of god's own party and the twits of the republik national committee, flush rimflour (pill popper, serial polygynist, draft dodger, pot smoker and all around felon), president.


Gaius Octavius, Cos.


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I would never trust a VP Chief of Staff with the nickname of "Scooter". You just know that, sooner or later, he's going to pee on the linoleum and you'll have to holler "BAD Scooter!" and smack him with a rolled-up newspaper. (I'll bet he's even more obnoxious after he's done his business and he "scoots" his butt across the carpet.)


-- Nephele

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'Scooter'! Ticks me off because it's Phil Rizzuto's nick name - given to him by the incomparable Mel Allen. "A Ballantine Blast!"


Little Liar libby is the scheister who hounded Prez Clinton for mark rich's pardon! So much for standing by neo-con 'principles'.



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They're all politicians...they're all silver-tongued, double-edged, and all full of shyte. The only time they're useful is if you want something done...and if you know their game and how to play it successfully. Otherwise, meh.

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Ok! Ok! For those of you who don't read papers or listen to the BBC or NPR:


Libby = the rat-traitor who outted the CIA agent (Valerie Pflame) to the other rat-traitor novak (noback), the columnist and trash talker.


The Shame of America; The Village Idiot, etc. = The illicit prez of the USA.


Prez chinney = the power behind the porcelain throne; Viet-Nam draft dodger and the guy who cocked up a good shot and the war in Eyewreck.


jolley roger = Karl von Rove = the illegitimate prez' propagandist and liar emeritus. The very reincarnation of Dr. Josef Goebbels(?).


gnewt dingrich = Newt Gingrich = infamous ignorant author; author of the Contract On America; leader of the gang of republiks who impeached Pres. Clinton. (I didn't know that any self respecting Southerner considered sodomy sex.)


roley poley = can't remember his name the nonce. = the head of the committee which presented the indictment against Pres. Clinton and the lead persecutor in the Senate.


looziana lecher = can't remember his name = Head of the House. Had a sign outside of his door, sic: "Put out, or get out."


idaho babe = name escapes me = much the same as above.


The Democrats at the end are killey bait.


Did :ph34r: miss any thing?

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Ok! Ok! For those of you who don't read papers or listen to the BBC or NPR:


Libby = the rat-traitor who outted the CIA agent (Valerie Pflame) to the other rat-traitor novak (noback), the columnist and trash talker.


The Shame of America; The Village Idiot, etc. = The illicit prez of the USA.


Prez chinney = the power behind the porcelain throne; Viet-Nam draft dodger and the guy who cocked up a good shot and the war in Eyewreck.


jolley roger = Karl von Rove = the illegitimate prez' propagandist and liar emeritus. The very reincarnation of Dr. Josef Goebbels(?).


gnewt dingrich = Newt Gingrich = infamous ignorant author; author of the Contract On America; leader of the gang of republiks who impeached Pres. Clinton. (I didn't know that any self respecting Southerner considered sodomy sex.)


roley poley = can't remember his name the nonce. = the head of the committee which presented the indictment against Pres. Clinton and the lead persecutor in the Senate.


looziana lecher = can't remember his name = Head of the House. Had a sign outside of his door, sic: "Put out, or get out."


idaho babe = name escapes me = much the same as above.


The Democrats at the end are killey bait.


Did :angry: miss any thing?


Yep all of it! :ph34r:

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