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An even greater love...

The Augusta


So this is a Roman site, but I must be indulged here. Today I watched my beloved Blues win the Carling Cup against a young Arsenal side that gave us a bloody good run for our money. But all that was nothing. Around the hour mark in the match our Captain, John Terry, was stretchered off after swallowing his tongue and being KO'd for a whole 5 minutes, after a sickening (accidental) injury in the penalty box. Despite being a central defender, he went in for an attacking header and firmly connected with the boot of Arsenal's Diaby, which wrenched his chin back and nearly knocked his head off his shoulders. These things happen, it is football. The Arsenal player responsible was in tears. JT himself, knocked out cold, came round in hospital and could not remember anything about the day at all beyond eating his breakfast. After scans on his neck, which showed it wasn't broken, and brains scans that showed ho haemorrhage, he insisted on going back to the Stadium to catch the end of the celebrations and thank the lads for winning the game for him.


There are jokes about Terry in the British Press, and among British football fans. If JT's leg was severed in a match, so the saying goes, he would have the physio sew it back on and he would play on. Beneath the humour there is the truth of the matter: this is a working class hero who cares little for the money he earns - having been at Chelsea since he was a YTS lad of 15 - who bleeds for his team, and will one day, as I said to my daughter today, be prepared to offer his life for a mere football team. It's the stuff heroes are made of. Old-fashioned heroes. The boy is an old-fashioned centre-half who will dive in amongst feet when there are 92 minutes on the clock and his team are winning 4-0 - just to stop the opposition scoring. Among today's mercenaries who come to 'big' clubs so that they can earn


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I hope Arsenal gets better too, soon.



The Arsenal youngsters played a very good game, Ram. In 2-3 years time they will be the terror of the Premiership. They just need to combine the beautiful passing game with clinical finishing. It's all very well having flair and style, but if you turn back in the penalty box to go for 23 more passes - what happens? A defender takes the ball off your foot, passes it out to a striker of Drogba's quality and boom - the ball is in the other net! The youngester paid for their inexperience yesterday, but even so, it was a riveting match and I am sure they will be a force to be reckoned with in the future.

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I totally second everything you said in your blog about the legend that is John Terry, although I'm a BIG Leeds Utd fan and not much of a lover of Chelsea (sorry), I've got to take my hat of to JT, the man epitomizes everything that a footballer should be, he's 110% for 90mins, he wears his heart on his sleeve and like you say if the situation came about, he would lay down his life for club and country, with all the diving, screaming and play acting that goes on in todays game I'm just glad that JT's gonna be OK and be back to kick all those soft lads up in the air! ;) .


BTW..... Who the hell does Cesc Fabregas think he is????? The boy is 19 yrs old and struts around like he's a seasoned pro! Don't get me wrong, the kid is an exceptional talent and is going to be one of the best midfielders in the world, but right now he needs to stick to learning his trade, keep his mouth shut and show a little respect!

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Yep - Fabregas has got away with quite a lot over the last couple of seasons. And on Sunday, there was no doubt about it - he and Lamps should have both gone off for their part in the silly handbags! (And like you, I think he is one of the best young players in the Prem - but needs to grow up fast)


As for JT - he's now fine, bless him! I suppose I should have known - that head would have needed to come off to keep him down - and even then he would have had it stapled back on! JT should have been a Roman! :ph34r:

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