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"Eleanor put those boots back on,

Kick the heels into the Brooklyn dirt,

I know it isn't dignified to run,

But if you run,

You can run, to the Coney Island roller coaster,

Ride to the highest point and leap across the filthy water,

Leap until the Gulf Stream's brought you down.


I could be there when you land

I could be there when you land


So Eleanor take a Green Point three point,

Turn towards the hidden sun,

You know you look so elegant when you run,

If you run, you can run,

To that statue with the dictionary,

Climb to her fingernail and leap, yeah!

Take an atmospheric leap,

Leap and let the jet stream set you down.


Could be there when you land,

I could be there when you land,

Could be there when you land.


So Eleanor put those boots back on,

Put the boots back on and run, run,

Come on over here, come on over here,

Come on over here... "


Can't run to SoL from there. No water under roller coasters. That's not a dictionary. Brookfordshiresexingham! Eleanore! ;)


Very, very deep! Eclectic! Ergogenic! Scrutable! ;)


Why in tarnation, would anyone with the sense to get up in the morning want to land in swissconsin? ;)



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WRONG. There's isn't nary an E on the end of that name, my dear patron.


Does FDR's wife have an E at the end of her name? I daresay not.


:lol: , Cos., you dare to question the god-Consul!? angry-smiley-005.gifangry-smiley-025.gif




Eleanore! :lol: Do you get it? angry-smiley-037.gif


You should be working on your angry-smiley-014.gif instead of exposing your erroneous way. grinning-smiley-021.gif Today is the very last DAY! :lol:


Pater Arcanae



When you give a reference link, make sure it works! :lol:

It is quite obvious ELEANORE is spelled WRONG when Google wants it CHANGED.


I win, :wheelchair:.

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