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Just Call Me Mulan...



Today I decided to cut my hair. Spontaneity turned out better this time than it has in the past; my hair was two distinctly different lengths and all split, so I just grabbed some scissors and started whacking. I don't think I did too bad, but the back IS a little uneven. I've got "kiddy steps" and I'm sure my mom will chastise me :lol: But overall I think it actually looks pretty good. I'm sure mom will disagree.


I'm concreting my plans to head to Minnesota in the summer. Things are looking up! My mom wants me to call dad and get him to go with me. He wants to, too, but I wasn't sure. I will get him to go, to give them both peace of mind (and make the journey easier). This is something I need to do.


I'm getting further in The Eagle's Conquest and am enjoying it once again. I am very behind on my reading; I'm happy to see myself doing some things I actually enjoy again. Today I may go to meet up with some friends. Maybe I'll have dinner with them again.


These past few weeks (and months, in hindsight) I've been having some really bad issues with my blood sugars. It didn't get as bad as passing out and such, but it was pretty bad. I'm feeling much better now, thankfully. Things are looking up! I'm just trying to hold out in my current situation until summer.


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