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UNRV Ancient Roman Empire Forums
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Rotary Forum Delight

Antiochus of Seleucia


Yesterday the Rotary Forum passed through our school. For those of you who don't know what the Rotary Club is, it's basically very similar to a foreign exchange student program. Speaking to us that day were: A student from Wisconsin sent to the Czech Republic, a girl from Malaysia, a (rather attractive) girl from Italy, a guy from Brzil, one from Mexico, Spain, Russia, Sweden, and South Korea. It was amazing. First of all, Italian is a beautiful language. The guy from Spain had that awesome castillian lisp, and the Russian guy was just plain cool. After the forum was over, I went over and talked to the Italian girl. She lives in Milan (Mediolanum), Lombardy. I asked her where the most beautiful place in Italy is. She told me to go to Naples, Campania- I guess I'm going there!


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My best friend in high school had a foreign exchange student from Spain living with him. He had none of the modesty or reservations that we had. He was an absolute blast to hang out with because normal everyday situations would usually turn hilarious. For instance, if he had to change his clothes, he wouldn't think twice about stripping down in public.

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If one says "Go to Naples" in Neapolitan, it ain't exactly nice. :rolleyes: There is one of the most intact and largest Greek temples on the outskirts. The food will be excellent. :no2: Put pad locks on your pockets. You :alien: had to be told that Italian women :wub: were tops? Hah? :ph34r: Take :mummy: with you.



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Would you say that you have a good representation of ethnic minorities where you live? Here among the mountains and hills they are all either Scots/Irish, German, and Italian.


Here among the cheese fields are Germans/Poles of the New Immigrants of the 1890's-1900's, and as I type waves of Hmong and Mexicans are arriving and settling in the nearby city.


If one says "Go to Naples" in Neapolitan, it ain't exactly nice. There is one of the most intact and largest Greek temples on the outskirts. The food will be excellent. :no2: Put pad locks on your pockets. You had to be told that Italian women :wub: were tops? Hah? :rolleyes: Take :mummy: with you.




I found out myself that Italian women :wub: were quite lovely. If :mummy: wants to come with, he is more than invited, but he gets to help pay! :lol:


@ Moonlapse- The Swede recieved about 8 rounds of applause for his comments. He swore in Switz because he thought it was funny we couldn't in school. Also thought it was really funny how strictly the cops enforce laws regarding alcohol- he merely asked, "What's wrong with beer?!" I also learned most Euros get a 2-hour lunch... they were horrified that we get 30 mins! :ph34r:


They were a blast.

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I found out myself that Italian women were quite lovely. If wants to come with, he is more than invited, but he gets to help pay!


If we find nice Italian women, I'll pay for you and for me...because they can cook. :rolleyes:

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I found out myself that Italian women were quite lovely. If wants to come with, he is more than invited, but he gets to help pay!


If we find nice Italian women, I'll pay for you and for me...because they can cook. :rolleyes:


I think we have a deal! :ph34r:


Edit: I am going to Italy in two years as soon as I turn 18... start saving up.

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