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What The....? Lmao



Hehe well, I was shooting my bow again today and I seem to have developed muscles faster than I could have hoped. My fourth day shooting it and since yesterday I have managed to get two more inches of draw. (and shooting this bow is stopping the "clicking" that my shoulder had been doing when I moved it. The compound bow seemed to make it worse, but its drastically improving now...I guess because of the strengthened muscles. Somehow I don't even get stiff arms :lol: )I don't know how this happened, but I missed the bales (no big deal, I do that all the time). On the next shot, the arrow hit with a distinctive metallic "clink" and an arrow came flying, nockless, back towards me (about twelve feet back). Somehow I missed, twice in the same spot, shot my own arrow, and the arrow that got shot, not the one that hit it, came flying back. Except for a missing nock, both arrows are unharmed. Lightning never strikes twice, right? I had been missing one of my arrows that had gone into the bushes and I could not find it. I fired another one. "Clink". What the? I did it AGAIN! Same thing! Only, this time the arrow did not fly as far back. I found my missing arrow though. :lol: Except for the missing nocks though (which I've replaced) the arrows are fine.[edit] today I found a giant rock buried under the ground behind the target. It was still pretty weird though, especially the second time when I found my missing arrow...and the one that I found in the bushes was right where I had looked before and found no arrow...I also can't figure how bouncing off a rock would break the nocks. (I also have to find a way to get a broken nock off of an arrow lol)


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