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Carpe Diem!

Antiochus of Seleucia


Ah! It is but a mere hour before the new year! As I type this the east coast of my beloved country already passed into the new year, with many of its inhabitants already passed out! :drunk: Happy New Years to all!


My new years resolution: Carpe Diem!


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Alchohol tastes good, but I have no access to it. Besides, I'm exceedingly uncomfortable at parties, terrified actually that someone is going to get drunk and do something stupid, so I wouldn't drink, I'd be sitting there waiting for an OK time to leave.


I spent the night at home. lol

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Unfortunately my views on alcohol will put me in a small social crisis about that age you described above, WW, because I live in the heart of New Deutchland-Ten-Bars-on-every-street-College-parties-are-known-for-insane-amounts-of-beer.


My state was the last one to raise the legal age, and only because the Federal Dept of Transportation was threatening to cut highway funding.

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My German grandmother gave me my first shot of schnapps when I was 11, and my first Guiness was about the same time. College imbued me with a revolting aversion to hard liquor, though by now it's mostly subsided. Now, I stick to small, savored quantities of beer and sometimes wine.

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