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Toxin (part 2).



Another festive toxicological glossary:


Datura : Thorn apple/jimsonweed, the fruit and leaves (which Arabs smoke) have a high concentration of alkaloids (atropine and scopolamine) , in small doses a specific for asthma, otherwise deleriant and hallucogenic.


Digitalis: foxglove , full of semi toxic cardaic glycosides. You may have a relative who takes digoxin for his heart? Slows a damaged heart to allow steady systole/diastole movement, too much and it stops..


Dioxins: organic compounds containig chlorine , damaging to DNA- hence exposed persons may have damaged offspring .


Ergot: a fungal infestation of sveral grasses -lysurgic acid ring a bell? Produces mania and can lead to gangrene by cutting off blood supply to extremities.


Hemlock :Conium maculatum an umbillifer that causes a drowsy gentle death, unlike Hemlock Water Dropwort (Oenanthe) which causes a paroxysmic one.


Laudunum: tincture of Opium freely available in many Victorian medicines , used recreationally but poisinous in strong doses.


Lead :toxic heavy metal , breaks the disulfide bridge in proteins hence distorts them and alters proper function. Can be removed by steady countermeasures especially by sulphur based compounds.\


Levant nut: Cocculus , a stupifier used by thieves and assasins to render a victim incapable.


Mercury: heavy metal curse of the modern world, friend of parasites and disease.


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Hemlock...Socrates must be spinning. An interesting list of toxins. Livia (the one in I, Claudius at least...not the historical figure) must be very well read when it comes to these toxins.

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Must keep this from my :wub: . Maybe you, the other :notworthy: and :wub: have a cunning plan to do away with me! :lol:


Anyhow, what do you know about vitamins K2 and E taken seperately and together? :ph34r:



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