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Lets see :-


He has crime convictions dating back to the 80s. He lies in wait, observing behaviors of victims (your spare key), he has become a serial arsonist, he stole your girlfriends underwear, - this is all stacking up to "serial killer" if he hasn't yet he's well ahead on the progression.


I don't mean to scare you any further P, it's something you've probably already considered or the Police have. Glad he's locked up !


I am also colored by the episodes of "From the files of Dale Hinman" I have been watching lately on late night TV.

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Your Greekship: :notworthy:


What is the latest on Crazy Calvin? :blink:

Send him a Christmas present - a box of cockroaches. Maybe it will scare the stuffing out of him. Don't put it in the U.S. Mail. When the bailiffs come for you, tell them you were sending the rat a meal out of your generosity. Or, blame it on me or Don Giovanni of the Herbs.



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