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Ancient History as I know it is dead!



I was in the pub the other day, enjoying the company of friends and generally having a fairly enjoyable time (drinks were bought by all, spirits were high, drinks were getting pennied etc.). So far it was good; however, after I returned to the group after relieving myself, I noticed that we had acquired another gentleman. At first, I did not really think anything of it


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He sounds like that site I had the misfortune of coming across. :ph34r: He seems like the kind of guy who people, unless they agree, will not get along with. As long as one is not gullable, he will not phase anyone.

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Ah, Wot - I have only just been admitted to the blogs, now that the Triumvirate have awarded me a nice gold ring and a narrow stripe, but sympathy poured out of me when I read this. Yes, we all know him. He is the type of man who makes David Brent look lovable. I always get this type talking to me in pubs. When I was a young hothead I used to argue with them like mad, because they wound me up no end. Nowadays, I just let my eyes glaze over and offer nothing to the conversation. I get them at parties too. I mujst have one of those faces....

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Ah, Wot - I have only just been admitted to the blogs, now that the Triumvirate have awarded me a nice gold ring and a narrow stripe, but sympathy poured out of me when I read this. Yes, we all know him. He is the type of man who makes David Brent look lovable. I always get this type talking to me in pubs. When I was a young hothead I used to argue with them like mad, because they wound me up no end. Nowadays, I just let my eyes glaze over and offer nothing to the conversation. I get them at parties too. I mujst have one of those faces....


Good news! I met 'that guy' in a bar before I left for the Christmas holidays, and I think that I was able to break him. I simply asked him the following: 'If you know so much about English, tell me this

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