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UNRV Ancient Roman Empire Forums
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Well, my forum got back up and running very quickly, thanks to my excellent host. The only problem is, now my host is selling the company to someone else. This could mean that its going to get better, or worse, or there's the rare thought that it may stay the same. I hope it gets better, or at least stays the same, but there's the possibility that I could lose my board, especially if the new admin decides to make the site *not free* anymore (which IMO would be a dumb move. But you never know). I already had to move my board once, every single post, by hand, because my host was charging for backups. I thought Greatboard was an excellent find. How was I supposed to know that the owner would sell it about a month after I got my board set up??I shouldn't have used Phpbb....I must be the world's worst admin lol :lol:


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