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UNRV Ancient Roman Empire Forums
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I just looked through the whole site at one sitting, and thought that some people here might enjoy some of it. Actually, the thing that I found most interesting wasn't any of the imagery, but one of the email responses:

You are a sick man. In fact, youi are not a "man" at al, notr even half a manl. While most of your artisan peers are at the forefront of advancing civilization and saving it from suffering, youi represent those who would not only hold back civilization but evolution of our species too. If I believed in a God, I would pray to him toniight for your and your family's destruction.

Spoken like a 'true believer.' I might even be able to cut the irony with a knife.

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Not sure why, but I like this guy. He's different.


I think there ought to be more outside murals in cities. Heck, alot of those graffiti artist show astounding talent with those spraycans. I think we should put them to work beautifying the city, since they obviously love painting so much, instead of punishing them. It gives them something to do, and saves taxpayer money. :wine:


The elephant one reminds me of Sandy Skoglund. Disturbing but cool. Radioactive Cats anyone?

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