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UNRV Ancient Roman Empire Forums
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I usually do not watch much television. The exeptions are a few shows on the Discovery/History/Science channels and the sitcom, 'The Office.' Recently, I was looking at the dazzling array of crap that I pay a monthly fee for, trying to somehow justify the cost other than just accepting that my wife watches more tv than I do. As I was skipping through, I stumbled upon a show that at first seemed documentary-ish but was actually some footage of three guys exploring miles of tunnels underneath Paris. Even if they didn't stop to eat their lunch in a large chamber full of human bones beneath some sort of graveyard, it was captivating.


The station it was on is called Current, which apparently involves viewers in the selection and creation of content. This interaction is carried over on to their website, http://www.current.tv , where you can find out how to submit your own content, rate submitted content to determine if it will make it on air, watch selected submissions, etc. I find most of it very interesting and I just thought I'd share it with everyone, since much of UNRV's content is now driven by member contributions.


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