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First Two Weeks Of University.



As some of you may already know, I have been experiencing the embryonic stages of university life in Exeter, and I think now would be a good time to write an entry.


I will firstly give you an idea of what the city itself is like. Obviously Exeter is a historical city


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Excellent , you have entered pre-season training for the UK UNRV meeting then with quality beer and learned discourse.


Plese let the Forum know about Isca as a possible future venue - I only say this in the most informal sense , but it would be useful if you are able to pinpoint possible places/events for a meet.


Id drop Pantagathus a line about the Pubs if you have time.

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Have Fun! God I miss my University days....I've only just finished a few months ago.

Unfortunately there was no real Classics society in our University, so I never got a chance to go to any meetings. I didn't even study any sort of history at University. Wish I had.


Still, It was one of ,if not, THE best times of my live.

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Have Fun! God I miss my University days....I've only just finished a few months ago.

Unfortunately there was no real Classics society in our University, so I never got a chance to go to any meetings. I didn't even study any sort of history at University. Wish I had.


Still, It was one of ,if not, THE best times of my live.


So what exactly did you study?

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