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Where's My Blankie?



Today I printed off the dissertation. All 150 pages of it. Oh, there's plenty left, since this is the first time that my committee will have the entire work at their disposal. And I've done quite a bit of re-arranging of previous work, to go along with more editing than I care to do. This is all in anticipation of a 'meeting of the minds' for the first week of November, when I must fly back to Austin. I'm mentally exhausted.


But, oh, wait! In the last month, I've put off so many chores, so this month that I have in the interim is going to be full. I'm about to be evaluated at work, so I have to get my portfolio together; that doesn't take long, but it's getting in the way. Gotta prep for the spring courses, as well as find additional part time work to pick up the slack. Gotta earn money on the side, since I'll be moving out in a few months. Oh, and look for full-time employment for the fall! Yeah, just a few things on the to-do list!


So, due to my cranial fatigue, reading Don Tomato's longwinded canticle of ne'erdowell actions, I'm bushed. Can someone give me the Cliff's Notes version?


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Buck up little camper! :) It's not the end of the world, just the end of yours... :lol:


Seriously though, best of luck with all that Doc... We're all counting on you. :lol:

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Maybe if you had an air conditioner your alleged brain wouldn't get over done. :P Still don't know whose blog you are witching about or is it your paper? :lol:


Lots of luck kiddo. Do tell what you intend to do and where (don't forget to get A/C/). :fish:



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I intend... ...to make sure my committee toes the line ...to go to Austin in a couple of weeks to make sure the above gets done ...to apply for whatever full-time, tenure-track position comes my way that I can even remotely satisfy (and that is on the Left Coast) ...to get a job for the fall ...to get a part-time job for the holidays sot ath I can actually afford to live on my own again ...to win the lottery, and then WSOP Main Event ...to make sure that every building I go into has A/C :P ...to rule the world. Ok, maybe not all of those...but some of those will be accomplished.

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