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For once I report to you on a non-Roman event. There was a small Norse re-enactment unit attached to a larger Civil War (English) event nearby , so I went in search of interesting items and weapons .


There was a selection of goods and weapons on show.


I have firstly, posted a Northman in general undress with everyday kit , were he to fight a padded jerkin would be neded under a coat of chain mail.This is a man of high status and thus his equipment is of superior finish.



Secondly we see detail of his high quality ornamentation (from a Norwegian find).



Thirdly we see the small "pocket version" general use scramseaxe, this version not being the more familiar "broken backed" design.



In this image the use of the small axe to hamstring (or seek other peripheral weak points ) is demonstrated, note that the man nearest the camera is carrying a full fighting seax.This figure is also kitted with a very high quality helmet.



Image six , the familiar double edged longsword for hacking.This is a wealthy warrior, the helmet is of the best quality.A lot of low status men would have had to risk fighting bareheaded and getting a "pommelling" with the butt of the longsword.



Image seven, a less familiar single edged Norwegian blade.This is another copy from a norse hoard.



Image eight,the heavy Dane axe of the Norse and the Huscarl ,Anglo-Saxon Hearth troops.Capable of cutting through horse and man.The specialised weapon of the best troops.



Finally an axe fight (though not in full armour).


The object is to maim by cutting through the collar bone , or seek out peripheral targets such as the hamstrings.


My main observation here is one I have considerd in the "Celtic Swords" section, individuals and retinues of powerful Jarls had good weapons and an organised/dedicated fighting band, however the commonplace warrior had little enough equipment and protective gear.One cannot help but feel a retrograde step has been taken watching the , therefore needful, emphasis on "individual" combat technique. I do not discount the skaldaberg as a steady shield wall strategy , but the swine array seems merely to be a re-invention of roman assault tactics.


There is an off site upload here as usual , with a few more shots of ephemera.(the gallery is "The Vikings!"


post scriptum! A rather fine shield painting:



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