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My Pretty...



Well after several harrowing days on morning deli (ACK!) I finally got a couple of days on the evening shift again. Last night was rediculously busy, simply because it was Friday and also because today is the first day of archery season. I hope today isn't that busy. My coworkers on deli were about going nuts because we had non-stop sub orders. :blink:


One of my customers (who has become a rather good friend of mine just by his coming in the store) told me where to get alexandrite (the lab grown variety) inexpensively. Mine arrived today in the mail and it is GORGEOUS!! Alexandrite is extraordinarily rare and usually very expensive. This is it's lab-grown counterpart, which is chemically and physically identical to a flawless natural alexandrite, I paid $30 for this one as opposed to the several thousand (!) that a natural stone of similar quality and size would cost. Alexandrite, if you have never been "blessed" with having seen it and consequently become obsessed with it, is a nifty little gem which appears green in sunlight or flourescent light and red in incandescent or firelight. I first saw it at Kay jewelers, when I was simply window shopping (I cannot afford anything from there) and I fell *in love* with it, so that I would go to Kay just to stare at the alexandrites. I bought a setting for this one and set it myself into a necklace, my mom said it would be a pain in the butt to set the stone, however I had absolutely no trouble with it and it only took me a couple of seconds to get it set. It's a good sized pear shape on a simple silver chain, too big for a ring, though I thought of putting it in a ring it would look..."hokey" and besides, my hands get bashed around alot.


I actually look forward to seeing my friend at work now, as he comes in almost every night. Last night he showed me a black diamond, I'd never seen one and I thought they were a metaphor or something, but they do exist LOL. We compare gemstones when there's no other customers in the store :)


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OMG what is Gaius talking about?!? Is he making innuendos?!? My sketchbook??


I think he is still mad that I voted for Brookenhausen and now he wants to blackmail me.


Oh dear. Didn't you ever invite a young lady to a private showing of your sketches? :lol:



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