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Favonius Cornelius


No matter where you go, you'll always find someone who has a large need to be right about a thing, but this emotional disease is most prevalent in academia. Even more so with the subjective ones, anything ranging from literature to history. Science mostly tends to shy away this arrogance because facts are facts. The focus on raw data does not leave much room open to debate. But where there is more opinion than fact, you leave open the possibilities and people can become entrenched in what they believe in, and this is exacerbated by the need to put forward new ideas, to be the revolutionary new brilliant thinker, that all universities are looking for. Besieged by the difficulties of intellectual pursuit, they fall back to entrenchment in the ivory tower, and let me tell you that fortification has plenty of rations for a very long siege indeed.


The most well balanced approach to any field is to keep a level and accepting head. The act of searching for the truth is vastly more important than asserting that you have it. It is ok to be wrong, and noble to be able to admit it, because in the end everyone is wrong about something or another.

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'Academia' is not intended to be a 'debating society'. The idea is to bring forward the ideas of competent historians even though they may conflict. "A said this but B holds otherwise." It is not supposed to be my conclusions versus anther's. The whole is to ultimately be presented by an editor to increase the value of UNRV to novices and also the informed. 'Debates' are easily carried on in other sectors of the forum.

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