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FLavius Valerius Constantinus


I know I'm a junior, but its important that I have a sense of direction so I can discuss it with my conselor and SAT/ACTs are coming, even though most schools don't deem great importance among them.


What I found out is that almost all the schools look at primarily the kinds of classes(challenges) you took at which level and most importantly your GPA or grade. Another important factor is the recommendations from counselor and teachers.


Looking to the future, I'm thinking about majoring in Law to become a lawyer, but I also have the options of engineering/designing, and even medical. All those classes of Latin, Greek, Ethics,....blah blah electives sure prepare me, something I credit the schools reputation to be true.


My school today just had a college night, and since Loyola Academy has good prestige, we got almost all the know colleges and universities, including all the military ones. However, I thought my parents only wanted me to stay instate, so I went only for a few interstate but mostly innerstate, Northwestern and University of Chicago. The shocker was when I got home, my parents talked about moving either to the Northeast(preferably Penn.) or to California, and it happens I wanted to go either region for school, problem was I didn't bother to pay attention much to those schools in that region. The only one that looks interesting to me was Marist College, which I'm sure is a good school.


So forum members, can you tell the good schools in the Northeast and midatlantic or in Cali that I may look at.


By the way is Marist a good school.


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I hope you come to Pennsylvania so on the off chance we may graduate together. :smartass: Here are the schools I think that may interest you:


University of Pittsburgh. This university is one of the bigger ones as you can see. If you are looking at the best medical school in the country than this is it. Its prerequisites are high, and you need a 4.0 GPA. Of course, that is not true, but you need to get your deadline in on November or you will find yourself on the waiting list for a long time. It is a great university I have a brother and sister there the campus is easy to go around. University of Pittsburgh


Duquesne. This is also a nice university for the study in medicine, but it is extermely difficult. It is good in engineering and medicine. It is a Catholic school. University of Duquesne


Robert Morris University. This is probably the school of engineering and technical institution. It is one of the more popular schools in the area for engineering. Robert Morris University


Penn State. My oldest brother goes here. This is the school for architecture and engineering. It is one of the most prestigous schools in the nation. It's prerequisites are not as tough as Pittsburgh's but it is a difficult school. It's large and its campus is huge. Also, home of the famed Nittany Lion. Penn State University :ph34r:


Clarion University. I think this is the universtiy you are most interested in. This is regarded as the best university in Pennsylvania and specializes in law and political sciences. It is not as hard to get into as the other schools and offers a great education. Clarion University


Of course, consult you parents and guidance counselor. Here are the notable schools in Southwestern PA with the exception of Penn State.

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Thanks Ramses, now I just need to know a bit more other schools in New York.(California doesn't look that promising to me).


Oh yes, can someone tell me about Marist?


SUNY, Hamilton, Cornel, NYU, CUNY, Pratt, St. John's, St. Francis, B'klyn Poly, LIU, RPI, Fordham U., Brooklyn and Queens colleges, FIT, RIT, Post. That's just for starters. Then there is The School of Hard Knocks.


Marist? They keep conducting political polls. (Just kidding.)


Now, if you go to penciltucky, bring some swimming gear with you - Johnstown Flood. You might also bring some lead clothes with you - Three Mile Island. You won't have to worry about osama - why would anyone take the trouble?

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