Archery And Fishing
I know, this poor little blog over in the corner has been neglected lol.
I managed to get Saturday off of work so that I could go to the Bowhunters' Festival, and I had a blast. I got my arrows cut, finally, found some very pretty feather roses (they are gorgeous! A waste of money, but gorgeous! lol), and I got a beautiful little antler-handled knife to add to my collection We ran into one of my friends from school and ended up taking her home so she could stay to see the bluegrass band play, she and her mom had been there all day and her mom wanted to leave. I ended up trying to drag her out to dance, and she pinched me, so now I have bruises on my arms and hands
Actually, there were several others dancing, all of whom had beer cans in thier hands. I don't know how they managed to dance without spilling any, especially when they fell down.
It was great fun
Yesterday at work was a bore, and today I had off again so my grandparents and I went fishing. We didn't catch anything really, gram got a nice sized (and talkative!) catfish and "pip" got a few sunnies and a rockbass. I caught absolutely nothing. It was fun though. I took my bow and arrows to their house so I could shoot them there, and already broke one of my pretty arrows! ::is sad:: aw well, I guess I should not get too attached to arrows. It does suck though. I was amazed at how easily I could pick up shooting again after nearly a year without shooting my bow and with arrows I'd never used before.
We washed my car while it was there, it's so much easier to do it at their house because at mine I have to drag the hose up over the wall and it doesn't reach all the way around the car, even though it's actually two lengths of hose put together.
Tomorrow I have to be up at four thirty in the morning, because I got on the early shift again. It's only for a few days so I don't really mind, but I've grown very fond of the evening shift and I can't stand getting up int the morning.
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