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UNRV Ancient Roman Empire Forums
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Decisions Decisions.



This morning I received a module option form from Exeter University's Classics and Ancient History department. Upon inspecting it I was immediately confronted with dozens of options for my further study of Greece and Rome; of these I had to pick two. After mulling over my choices, I managed to narrow it down to four modules.


Which two of the following should I choose?

1) Ancient Sources (written evidence): Roman Historical Writing--Sallust, Livy and Tacitus.


2) Ancient Sources (written evidence): Archaic Tyranny--Pheidon of Argos, Cypselus of Corinth, Pisistratus of Athens, Cleisthenes of Sicyon, Theagenes of Megara, Pittacus of Mytilene, Polycrates of Samos and Cleomenes I of Sparta.


3) Ancient Sources (material evidence): Greek Temples.


4) Ancient Sources (material evidence): Brave New Rome of Augustus--architecture of the Principate.


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I have made my final decision: 1 + 2.


And as for the travelling, if I pick a certain module for the Archaeology part of my course, I get to excavate the site of a Roman frontier fort in Egypt. :hammer:

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