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Don't Try This- On Your Way Home

Antiochus of Seleucia


I finished watching a very good episode of Band of Brothers (Bastogne) when I saw lights flashing on the wall behind the tv. The cops had pulled someone over in front of my house. My window is about 30 feet or less from the road, and it was very quiet that night; being 1:30 in the morning probably contibuted considerably. The cop walks up to the man and asks him, "Did you know your left-rear brakelight is out?" The man agreed and offered some explaination I couldn't hear. Then the cop ask the man, "May I see your driver's license?"

The man gave the copper his license and the cop replied, "Your license is suspended/revoked." The guy said yes and mumbled/slurred something.

"How many beers have you had tonight sir?"

"Just one after work." (Of course, just one!)

"I didn't pull you over for that, however I did notice back on (?nd Ave) that you swerved over the centerline."

The cop went back to his car to bring up some info on the guy, and a second officer arrived. They had the guy perform a field sobriety test, which he did quite well, with the exception of counting steps. Afterwards they did a breathalyzer.

"Sir, Wisconsin State Law requires that you must be below .08 percent, which you are clearly above right now." The drunk shook his head in sad recognition of the handcuffs.

"Just so you officers know I am not white trash. I don't do drugs, I'm not white trashhhh...slur."

"Sir you do know you weren't supposed to be driving without a license."

"But I needed to get home from work!"

"You should have called a friend or family member."

"Uhhh..............I'm not white trash....."

He was put in the back of the first police car. The cops went over to the man's vehicle and immediately the second officer said, "Those are illegal tires!" They opened up the car and the second officer, who seemed to do his job really well, exclaimed, "I smell marijuana!" The other officer was suprised and replied, "You can smell that?!"

"It's definitely marijuana."

The first officer checked under the passenger seat and glove compartment, then jogged back to the police car and asked the guy if he had done any drugs. Of course the guy said no.

Before the cops left they took a look at the license plate. The second officer, who must be a damn fine cop, noted that the man had placed a different expiration sticker over his well-overdue sticker.

"This man is a criminal from Green Bay and has been getting away with an expired license for too long. See, these stickers are made not to come off," the second officer said to the first.

The cops left around 1:50ish, and with no family/friends of the criminal in the area, the car was left there. No, I didn't go out to see if I could find the drugs... >:ph34r: Turns out the guy came from a bar in Green Bay, and happened to be pulled over on the side road of desolation where my house is.


All in all it was very fun to watch. It was even more fun that the time they pulled over a couple and pulled 3 cases of beer out of their car.


I love my house.


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