Eight Crazy Nights...well...six, Actually
The first three days of this week were alot of fun, but the last three, well, were something else lol. I had to work deli alone for the last three days (I worked till 10 PM six days in a row ). The first night, was so crazy that I didn't actually manage to get anything done, I swear, if one more person came in with a pizza order or wanted a hoagie, I was going to scream lol. Then last night I had to "take down" deli, as well as do all my normal work, which I would have barely had time to do because I kept having to stop to make pizzas and hoagies for people. Tonight wasn't SO bad, but I had a terrible time trying to make two pizzas that I had no clue how to make, and wasted probably a half hour trying to figure out how to make them (thank the Gods that they were for the manager's daughter, and so it wasn't an issue. She used to work there and actually helped me make them when she came to pick them up. If it had been someone else, I think there would have been a problem lol) The candy display fell over, I had to tape it up. But then it fell over again. There was really nothing I had time to do with it, so I just left all the candy on the counter.
I've learned something though, energy drinks are bad for me lol. I get such a buzz off of them, even if it's only half a can. I'm wired for hours, but then, I get home and crash, I mean I don't get sleepy, I get paranoid and jittery. I don't know what it is, lol most of it contains various "nutrients" I've never even heard of. I especially like the taste of them though, and the fact that I am totally wired after drinking them (I love Full Throttle Fury hehe, shortly after drinking some of that I was trying to say "Full Throttle Fury" three times fast. Try it, especially when hyped up on caffeine, you'll find it is nearly impossible, but hilarious)
I burnt both of my hands on the pizza oven (at the same time) because the door fell open and I either tried to catch it, or didn't get my hands out of the way fast enough. So the back of my right hand and my left index finger are burnt, but not badly, actually, I think they'll probably be fine in the morning. It drove me nuts though, because I had to make about six or seven things after that, and wearing plastic gloves when your hands are burnt, sucks. I'm just glad that I got the dishes done before it happened, because scalding hot bleach water would have REALLY sucked, and I didn't have a nice coworker on deli to do it for me tonight. It's pretty funny actually, I usually burn myself at least once a night (we joke that we are branded when we start work
) and tonight I managed to take care of both hands at the same time. You know, get it all out of the way at once
Actually, the burn on my right hand looks a bit like a stylized leaf, and I'm thinking if it actually scarred that way it might look really cool
Especially since there's a scratch next to it that looks like a stem. Maybe next week I can get a flower somehow
I tried to get a cell phone on Tuesday, but they wanted a four hundred dollar deposit. I was like "screw this" so I still don't have a cell phone. Too bad, I really wanted one. TracFone is too expensive for anything but emergencies I think.
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