Random Observations
From time to time, I must recall certain factoids about life which are necessary to get through the day...or in order to keep my momentary sanity.
--There are more fools and ignorami in the world than you realize, and they are both scary. A fool is aware of his eejit-ness, and tries to cover it up; an ignoramus is blissfully unaware of his quality, and usually possesses a modicum of common sense.
--Follow-up #1: common sense ain't exactly all that common...and it's too bad it can't be made a mandatory part of the education of our youth.
--Many people really love to heap on the abuse to their underlings--the same abuse that they received when they were someone's underling. It isn't fair, but it's life...so f'ing deal with it.
--Follow-up #2: Dealing with it is usually a mix of exercise, talking to 'outsiders', and a Pertimaxus or 4.
--Pets, particularly dogs and cats, are so understanding and loving, and they really are part of what helps us to deal with the crap in our lives.
--Follow-up #3: Vet bills really need to be regulated. Seriously. 'Gloucosamine' for cats is 5x the price of what I buy at Costco.
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