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And This Is Why I'm Insane Lol



So, I get in my car to drive to work, and my car CD player says "bad disk" and spits the CD out at me. (there is absolutely nothing wrong with the disk. I put it back in and it plays fine.) I stop at an intersection, and a guy is spackling overhead, there is white fluffy stuff falling down and it appears to be snowing in the intersection in the middle of summer.


Is this an omen for the rest of my day?


I get to work, and I cannot get the pricing gun to work, it somehow gets the tape of little stickers wrapped back inside. I try to bag rolls, and every time I turn around, someone is standing at my register. NOW, there is another register, and a cashier at it. I am clearly busy. But they have to stand patiently at my register, expecting me to stop what I'm doing and come over. I went through about 20 pairs of gloves trying to bag those stupid rolls.


THEN, I'm trying to make a hawiian pizza, and I can't find the container. I have to get it out of the sink and wash it. Then I have to track down the pineapple and something to put it in. When I get the can opener to work, and try to put the pineapple in the container, what do I do but tip the container and dump pineapple down all over my new leather shoes, the front of the refridgerator, and the counter?


I am trying to make a hoagie for someone and have to track down a knife, also in the sink. Then I'm making another pizza, because we have suddenly sold out of both pepperoni and cheese pizza. So I don't even get the dough spread out, before I hear a crash behind me. I turn around, and the Pringles display has taken a nosedive, there are cans of Pringles ALL OVER the floor. So I leave my pizza and pick them up. A nice lady who is in the store every day helps my coworker pick up the cans, and I get back to my pizza. (some smart person has set the tower of cans on top of the empty box without even taping the box. As you can imagine, the flaps simply folded in.)


The next thing I know, the bucket under the drink thingy, (it's a big basin full of ice and bottles of ice tea, with a tube to drain) is overflowing. All over the floor. Oy vey. So I have to clean that up to. I swear, that thing is the worlds worst invention.


Oh yea, I forgot to mention, when I started my shift there was water coming out of the oven. Don't ask.


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