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50 Lubs



Lubs, by the way, are what many 'round here jokingly refer to as pounds...since we wish to somehow pronounce 'lbs'. Anyway...at yesterday's weigh-in, it was 50 lost since 1 June 2006! Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! :punk:


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Uhm...post a picture :lamo:


I don't have a full-shot of me now. Gotta take one, tho...for posterity of my posterior, if nothing else :ph34r: It will be up soon, I promise!

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Super Congrats Doc!


However, when I saw the title I'll tell you what first came to mind.... I'm sure you will remember for the days of our youth (& middle age for the fogey GO) the HBO show Not Necessarily the News?


Do you remember Rich Hall & his 'Sniglets'?


Well this one has always stuck in my head and is part of my vocabulary:


Lub (lub) - n. The small deposit of spinach that lodges itself between one's teeth.



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Lub (lub) - n. The small deposit of spinach that lodges itself between one's teeth.




Heh there was some of that the other night...well, sorta...an evil ravioli filling bit. It was taken care of, tho.



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